
Εξέλιξη με Ίσμα

Ο πρώην επιθετικός της Ανόρθωσης και του ΑΠΟΕΛ Ίσμα Γκονσάλβες είναι χωρίς ομάδα από σήμερα, αφού αποχώρησε από την ομάδα του Ιράν Εστεγκλάλ, όπου βρισκόταν τους τελευταίους μήνες.

Οι λόγοι για αυτή την εξέλιξη δεν αναφέρονται στο αποχαιρετιστήριο μήνυμα του Αφρικανού στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.



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hello guys. So as you all know my contract with the best team in asia is finish. By some reasons that i can not speak here but the most important is to keep the good memories this ones will stay in our memories forever...I'm very happy for wearing this blue shirt once in my life. I whant to say also that i am very thankful for all the people in iran you are an amazing contry with lovely people i felt home thank you and for our blue army thank you very much also was amazing to see 100 thousnd fans in azadi supporting our team in the good and bad moments. I wish you all the best to my teammates and for this big football club. I hope very soon you will be back where you belong as champions of asia thank you very much for all the love you are amazing guys FOREVER BLUE

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