
Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit: Το πρόγραμμα της δεύτερης ημέρας

Αθρόα αναμένεται για δεύτερη μέρα η προσέλευση του κοινού

Την δεύτερη και τελευταία ημέρα του διανύει σήμερα το συνέδριο Digital Agenda Cyprus Summit, το οποίο φιλοξενεί εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες από την Κύπρο και το εξωτερικό, για να καλύψουν θέματα τα οποία αφορούν στις καταιγιστικές αλλαγές σε όλα τα στρώματα της κοινωνίας, της οικονομίας, των μεταφορών, τα επίπεδα της προσωπικής και ιδιωτικής ζωής και την επικοινωνία.

Το τεχνολογικό συνέδριο Digitan Agenda Summit, το οποίο διοργανώνουν ο όμιλος SPP MEDIA και η εφημερίδα «Η Καθημερινή» σημείωσε επιτυχία κατά την πρώτη ημέρα διεξαγωγής του, με την προσέλευση του κόσμου στο Δημοτικό Θέατρο Λευκωσίας να είναι αθρόα. Ανάλογα επιτυχημένη αναμένεται ότι θα είναι και η δεύτερη μέρα του συνεδρίου, καθώς στο πρόγραμμα αναγράφονται σημαντικά ονόματα.

Αναλυτικά το πρόγραμμα:

08:00 Registration

09:00 Daniel Bobroff – The gamechangers
Today, we have more computing power in our pockets than NASA had to send man to the moon. We have a global voice that was once the preserve of only the wealthiest. But we are faced with a rate of change that continues to accelerate. Will we thrive or simply be replaced?

09:50 Discussion: Daniel Bobroff, Ken Hughes, Michalis Persianis (c)

10:20 Ken Hughes - The Joy of CX in the Digital Era
Business success is about relevance. Understanding what customers want and how best to connect our brands and businesses with these needs is how we survive. But what if the new modern consumer has fundamentally different values than ever before? What if our cyber behaviors have rewired our real-world expectations? A Digital Agenda is not about technology, it is about the people it shapes.

11:00 Break

11:30 Andreas Neocleous, 5G: From Hype to Reality
5G has been described as a game-changing technology, making headlines around the world that it will actually change our lives. The latest G to be added to the mobile network evolution is promising to allow fleets of driverless cars to navigate our streets and surgeons to perform operations remotely. In 2019, 5G technology became reality in several countries around the world, with Cyprus expected to follow suit sometime in 2020. But beyond making our phones and internet faster, how will 5G change the lives of ordinary Cypriots?

11:50 Discussion - Who made this stupid rules?: Marios Loukaides, Jean Abou Assi, Anastasia Sideri, Despo Lefkariti (c)
Algorithms claim to know us better than we know ourselves. They can therefore be used to better target audiences and consumers. Are advertising strategists required?Do legacy media still have a role to play for communication strategies?Electronic word of mouth is becoming as important as offline word of mouth. Hotel managers for example, fear bad comments on trip advisor. How can brands protect themselves and their reputation better from e-word of mouth?Consumers today expect everything to happen with just one click. How can brands can keep up with this?

12:10 Discussion - Influencing the influencers:
Thaleia Karafillidou, Marina-Lida Koutarelli, Tonia Sotiropoulou, Evelyn Kazantzoglou, Tassos Trifonos (c)
The influence of digital is growing and this is affecting all of us. Digital technology has an effect on our behavior and there is a big shift from materialism to experientialism. Companies are adapting their strategies and collaborating not with media, but with influencers, micro influencers, talents, personalized content and hyper targeted campaigns. In the end, It’s all about connections. Is the era of the influencer over, or just evolving?

12:50 Lunch Break

14:00 David Clarke - The tech world meets our privacy needs
How personal data is collected throughout our daily activities, and how the key global data privacy regulations are affecting our privacy rights. Is more regulation leading to less innovation. The GDPR directive is praised by key personalities of the tech world. Does it cover all our privacy needs? What are the key deliverables for all organizations to ensure that they comply with the regulations and how and where technology can help.

14:30 Discussion: David Clarke, Cleopatra Kitti, Athanasios Ellis (c)

14:50 Nikolaos Mavrides – From Philosophy and Automata through AI and Robots towards the Future
Although Artificial Intelligence and Robotics arguably start from the 1960's, their roots are much older: The beginnings of formalization of parts of human thinking by Aristotle, the Automata in Ancient temples, and beyond. Data & Intelligence will play a fundamental role in the so-called "4th Industrial Revolution", which we have just started to enter. With the Internet of Things potentially covering any physical or biological entity of the physical world, with the advent of Collaborative Robots, with Additive Manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing, arguably we are now entering this new Revolution.

15:20 Discussion: Nikolaos Mavrides, Jahna Otterbacher, Christophoros Charalambous​, Antonis Polemitis (c)

15:40 Discussion - Innovation and health in Europe, a new start: Stella Kyriakidou, Elisabeth Johnson (c)
Changes in climate, digital technologies and geopolitics are already having a profound effect on our lives.
We need to act on a crucial topic the food safety and animal and plant health. What is Farm to Fork’ strategy for sustainable food, the improvement of the consumer information and the animal health and welfare?
How does the healthcare system in the future look?

16:00 George Nounesis - Transforming a National Research Center in the Exponential Era
Technology grows exponentially bringing radical changes to our lives at an ever increasing acceleration. No sector is unaffected: from the human health to the food industry, from transportation to industrial design and production, from cryptography to cyber security… Space and the depths of the oceans are the brave new worlds. Fear of social disruption and machine supremacy must be replaced by optimism and the mindset for agility and adaptability.

16:30 George Nounesis, Kostas Christofides, Georgios Lakkotrypis, Athansios E. Athanasiou, Michalis Sophocleous (c)

17:00 Closing: D. Lottides


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